Virtue is a consummate spark refracting
on an effervescent ocean
blazing light of bi-location
intrepid rays cleaving tribute
on battlefields of gilded glory of the chosen. vice that longed
to fall built mirages displaced in desert heats’ steam,
hisses long and deep
as back-pedaled coiled whorls
bore in an underworld of phantasmagoria.
the ecstatic dance of tarantism
divining dark unapologetic wetness
and creepers that climb
writhing liberation cries in a thought of separation
gorgonize untamed awakening.
This body is the crucible
whose sinuous undulations of Sarpas sojourn
divide cadence like secrets unspoken
and yield only before the one-footed goat
who stands pointed like the white-capped peak,
exquisitely delicate as the fifth-day moon
upon the brow where celestial headwaters begin
descent like melting snow.
holy is the immovable mountain
who receives all, plenary sentinel of the high plateau.