Virtue is a consummate spark refracting
on an effervescent ocean
blazing light of bi-location
intrepid rays cleaving tribute
on battlefields of gilded glory of the chosen.  vice that longed
to fall built mirages displaced in desert heats’ steam,
hisses long and deep
as back-pedaled coiled whorls
bore in an underworld of phantasmagoria.
the ecstatic dance of tarantism
divining dark unapologetic wetness
and creepers that climb
writhing liberation cries in a thought of separation
gorgonize untamed awakening.
This body is the crucible
whose sinuous undulations of Sarpas sojourn
divide cadence like secrets unspoken
and yield only before the one-footed goat
who stands pointed like the white-capped peak,
exquisitely delicate as the fifth-day moon
upon the brow where celestial headwaters begin
descent like melting snow.
holy is the immovable mountain
who receives all,                                                                                      
plenary sentinel of the high plateau.

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bound to let it all fall away
freedom to become bound
where falling not from airy heights
becomes the act of a wisp of cloud
ribboning at the edge of life
riding spectral rainbow’s spiral galaxy fringe

Homeward bound
leaping fearless skyward surfer
swirling blue that bleeds into a seamless sky
deep merciful midnight blue
circumambulating an impossible whirling
casting a circle
only to kiss
twilight’s cool sweet breath

having swept over rough terrain
meandered through unlikely course-ways
winding around channels
to retire in the innermost chamber
wind carries breath and rests
calling for the soft cave,
adamantine sky-clad stillness

-Mahashivratri 2016

Artwork-Tantra Song: Tantra Painting from Rajasthan, by Franck André Jamma,

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the perfect storm


This storm will pass
as all storms pass
like weather moves
swiftly across the islands
a heavy hush that moves libations

as nature rearranges her altar of grandeur
thunder clamours and steadiness does not falter
wind rages and resolve does not break

all that was chaff and all that was wheat
danced across the fields
went below the roots
but did not lose ground

a vessel of Mother stood unshaken
a chalice offering with resolutions for prosperity
healing that did not spill upon the fecund earth,
but came in rapturous as rain, thick like milk
from the udder of the cow
that only flows for love

the perfect storm surges through
the cerulean sea
shot with turquoise and olivine
hosting aqua stained glass marine scapes
of deliquium colossal revolving
majestically morphing barrels of undiluted madness

the inked jet beauty jumping a bullet train
that you’ll have to turn and face
to get where you’re going
listen to the salt in your tears
that take you beyond this wall of water
tinged with tahitian pearl treasures

tempests rolling in jouissance return to the ocean
and reach again for the shore
tempests that swoon into pure white foam
gift back what belongs to the sea

may they lay to rest old bones
leave no trace, but for a legacy
as the swell of my devotion shall be

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“Once the mind, in the course of its movement, has felt the touch of the Indivisible – if only you can grasp that moment ! – in that Supreme Moment all moments are contained, and when you have captured it, all moments will be yours.


Take, for example, the moments of confluence (sandhiksana) at dawn, midday and dusk, in which the power inherent in the contact-point, where coming and going meet, becomes revealed.  What you call ‘electric discharge’ is nothing but the union of two opposites thus does the Supreme Being flash forth at the moment of conjunction.  Actually IT is present at every single moment, but you miss it all the time.  Yet this is what you have to seize; it can be done at the point of juncture where the opposites fuse into one.


Nobody is able to predict when for any particular individual this fateful Moment will reveal itself; therefore keep on striving ceaselessly.


Which exactly is that great Moment depends for each one upon his particular line of approach.  Does not the moment at which you are born determine and rule the course of your whole life?  Similarly, what is important for you is the Moment at which you will enter the current that is the movement of your true being, the Going Forth, in other words, the Great Pilgrimage.  Unless this happens, perfection cannot be attained.


Some say, by sustained effort one may attain to Enlightenment.  But is it true that effort can bring about Enlightenment?  Is Illumination dependent on action?  The veil is destroyed, and when this has been accomplished, THAT which IS stands revealed.  What is known as the fruit of effort is nothing but illumination or the particular aspect towards which the effort has been directed.”


~Sri Anandamayi Maa; excerpt from discourse six
-Words of Sri Anandamayi Ma, Translated & Compiled by Atmananda

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“When a human being becomes a traveller in search of perpetual union and during the course of progress, as it is said, the inner awakening comes about on its own. There is awakening of good actions as well as the awakening of actions which obstruct the journey, which happen because the habit that has previously formed prompts for the action. What happens on its own cannot be controlled by the wish. What happens is not revelation but it could be taken as an indication…

While continuing the journey at a certain point it continues on its own…”


~ Sri Anandamayi Ma; excerpt Matri Satsang @Samyam Saptah, Nadiad, 1978

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